deutromycete, biotroph, necrotroph, nutrient, disease, melon plant, fusarium disease, parasite species, fungal spores, fungal conidia, myceliumAbstract
The production of high and quality crops from polys crops is related to many abiotic and biotic factors. In the world, the area under cultivation of orange crops is 2.8-2.9 million hectares, of which 70% belong to the areas of watermelon, 20% of melons, and 10% of pumpkin crops. Several types of poliz crops are cultivated in the world. About 80,000 tons of sugarcane crops are grown in China every year, and our Republic takes the 5th place in this regard. According to the results of scientific research carried out by scientists, it was noted that fungi belonging to the Deuteromycota, Oomycota and Ascomycota classes cause certain diseases and cause great damage to the harvested crop. Therefore, it is written that carrying out scientific research in this direction is considered one of the urgent tasks in protecting plants from diseases and obtaining high and quality crops from them.
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